Latitude Longitude Of Beijing China. The latitude of Chaoyang Beijing China is 39922478 and the longitude is 116443710. Xicheng District Beijing China is located at China country in the Districts place category with the gps coordinates of 39 54 497448 N and 116 21 490500 E. This stadium was built in 1936 and was named Bei. It is the largest of the three halls of the Inner Court the other tw.
It is part of Asia and the northern hemisphere. The latitude of Beijing China is 39916668 and the longitude is 116383331. Latitudeto is a free service the costs of the project server Google Geolocation API maintenance bug fixing new features are financed through Ads. GPS coordinates of Beijing China. The current time and date in Beijing is 1010 PM on Tuesday May 11 2021. The latitude of Zhongguancun Haidian Beijing China is 39983246 and the longitude is 116315506.
116 22 2819 E.
Current time zone offset. The current time and date in Beijing is 1010 PM on Tuesday May 11 2021. The latitude of Chaoyang Beijing China is 39922478 and the longitude is 116443710. Beijing is located at latitude 399075 and longitude 11639723. Its area is 6152 sq mi 16801 km2. The latitude of Zhongguancun Haidian Beijing China is 39983246 and the longitude is 116315506.