Icao Annex 19 Safety Management. Certain State safety management functions required in Annex 19 may be delegated to a regional safety oversight organization or a regional accident and incident investigation organization on behalf of the State. ICAO Annex 19 17. The Safety Management Annex representing the first new ICAO Annex to be adopted in over 30 years became applicable on 14 November 2013. File size 234 KB.
ICAO Annex 19 Safety management. ANNEX 19 -SAFETY MANAGEMENTThe first edition of annex 19 was adopted by the council on the 25 th of February The intention of SARPs in this annex to assist states to manage aviation safety risks in to help in the process of evolution of a proactive strategy to improve the safety performance which is based on implementation of State Safety Programme SSP that will systematically addresses safety risks. With Annex 19 ICAO aims to enhance its strategic regulatory and infrastructure developments and stress the importance of overall safety performance in all aspects of air transport operations. Although Amendment 1 to Annex 19 does not become applicable until November 2019 select States will be. In July 2017 amended SSP-related PQs will be published by ICAO to reflect Amendment 1 of Annex 19 the 4th edition of the SMM and lessons learned to date. ICAO Annex 19 Applicability The Standards and Recommended Practices contained in this Annex shall be applicable to safety management functions related to or in direct support of the safe operation of aircraft.
To complement the State Safety Programme SSP and the Safety Management System SMS frameworks found in the Annex provisions for State Safety.
Chapter 4 of Annex 19 ANNEX 19 OF ICAO. Here is the 19th annex of ICAO in pdf for. Annex 19 contains overarching provisions applicable to safety management functions related to or in direct support of the safe operation of aircraft and highlights the importance of safety management at the State level across multiple aviation domains. A systematic approach to managing safety including the necessary organizational structures accountabilities policies and procedures. This Annex that contains SARPs related to responsibilities and processes underlying the safety management by States. The first edition of Annex 19 was adopted by the Council on 25 February 2013 and becomes applicable on 14 November 2013.