Herbal Treatment For Proteinuria. Chandanadi Vati is a classical herbal formulation which is useful in pacifying Pitta and Kapha dosha and this formulation is good for treating burning micturition dysuria and other related symptoms. Ingredients used in chandanadi vati are Amalaki safed ral Kapur gokshura gandhabiroja kababchini kattha Safed Chandan pashanbhed Choti elaichi and gairik. When the kidney function is low they may allow the protein named albumin to get filtered along with the waste. The ayurvedic herbs like Punarnava help to cure the signs in the first place so that there is no scope of getting caught with kidney disease again in the near future.
This is why the urine has some foamy appearance during the variant stages of proteinuria. Maintaining a healthy weight. The ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria works to soothe the inflammation in the filters of the kidneys called glomerulus. Proteinuria ayurvedic treatment According to Ayurveda understanding the cause and treating the underlying condition causing proteinuria is required to effectively manage the condition. Maintaining blood pressure level. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables grains and legumes.
Here are the remedies or natural ways to reverse proteinuria.
Reducing proteinuria will reduce the high cholesterol. It aims primarily to tone up the tissue and muscle that support the kidneys so as to alleviate complication like incontinence etc. Sometimes this can also be caused as a side-effect of a few medical treatments. 1 Ayurveda suggests following the principles of Diabetes Prameha. Here are some natural home remedies that can aid in treating proteinuria. Control Your Blood Sugar.