Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile Hplp. The Chinese health-promoting lifestyle profile Chinese HPLP is an instrument which measures different dimensions of healthy behaviors in Chinese populations. The HPM assists nurses in determining predictors of health-related behaviors as a foundation for counseling their patients to promote healthy lifestyle choices. The 52-item instrument was translated into Japaneseand was found to be culturally relevant and reliable in a pilot study. Description Healthy lifestyles significantly impact aging and health-care expenditure in aging societies.
Item-total correlations were calculated to assess how the items of a scale differentiated the elders with regard to their HPB. Indicate the frequency with which you engage in each behavior by circling. This questionnaire contains statements about your present way of life or personal habits. Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II DIRECTIONS. Mean HPLP score was 13869. The ALP was modeled after the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II HPLP II and tested in a sample of early adolescents.
The development and initial psychometric evaluation of a Japanese version of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II HPLP II is described.
Therefore the aim of this study was to determine and evaluate. This questionnaire contains statements about your present way of life or personal habits. Health responsibility physical activity nutrition spiritual growth. The 52-item instrument was translated into Japaneseand was found to be culturally relevant and reliable in a pilot study. It measures how frequently respondents engage in 52 aspects of an HPL from the domains of health responsibility exercise nutrition spiritual growth interpersonal relations and stress management. Two hundred students F100 M100 were studied by using self administered health promoting lifestyle profile HPLP questionnaires.