Groundwater Laws In India. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the existing nature of Indias groundwater laws. This collection pertains to water bodies water pollution and regulation and morePolicies related to conservation of water bodiesGuidelines for repair renovation and restoration of water bodies with external assistance and domestic support - Ministry of Water Resources 2009. PDF It is estimated that 80 per cent of rural drinking water and 60 per cent of irrigation water in India comes from groundwater. There is however a British-era law called the Indian Easement Act 1882 which gives landowners the right to collect and dispose of all water under the land within their own limits.
The first section delineates water law as it evolved. As per the reports the plants usually consume around 35 BCMyear. This working paper maps out the relevant legal framework concerning water in India. In the backdrop of the gravity of groundwater crisis that threatens to engulf the country the book examines the correlation between the imperfections in the law and water crisis and advocates a reform agenda to overhaul the legal framework. There is no reliable record of how many wells with initial failure premature failure functioning exist with each farmer. A groundwater law was first introduced in India in the 1970s and about a dozen states began introducing measures to control use from the 1990s.
Increasing dependence on groundwater for all the main water uses has.
PDF It is estimated that 80 per cent of rural drinking water and 60 per cent of irrigation water in India comes from groundwater. Guidelines to regulate and control ground water extraction in India. Groundwater irrigates around 70 of the irrigation in India. There is no reliable record of how many wells with initial failure premature failure functioning exist with each farmer. However owing to the decentralised availability of groundwater it is easily accessible and forms the largest share of Indias agriculture and drinking water supply. In other words it is one of the rights that landowners enjoy over their possessions.