Fully Developed Pipe Flow Velocity Profile. 151171183 CrossRef zbMATH Google Scholar. Equivalent relations at large Reynolds numbers. Afzal N Yajnik K 1973 Analysis of turbulent pipe and channel flows at moderately large Reynolds number. The volume flowrate through the pipe can be obtained by integr ating the velocity profile across the pipe.
Once the flow is fully developed the velocity profile does not vary in the flow direction. Therefore the velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a pipe is parabolic with a maximum at the centerline and minimum zero at the pipe wall. Fully developed pipe flow velocity profile. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. The power law velocity profile has been analyzed in terms of the envelope of the friction factor which gives the friction factor log law. Because the fluid is viscous it sticks to the pipe wall so that u 0 at r D2.
As the fluid moves through the pipe viscous effects cause it to stick to the pppipe.
Force balance 2 Rdx 0 2 R P dPS W w. The fully developed turbulent superpipe flow data of McKeon et al. Fully developed pipe flow velocity profile. In order for this to occur the fluid must travel through a length of a straight pipe. This statement is true for both laminar flow and turbulent flow. Fully developed turbulent pipe flow 105 that the ratio y1 yo may be independent of the Reynolds number as it can be seen from Fig.