Duplex Stainless Steel Welding Best Practices. The welding guides have more detail on which test is appropriate for each material. For maximum corrosion resistance 2 nitrogen in the shield and no more than 5 in the. Good intentions are often foiled by a lack of communication. 6 Best practice for root and 2nd pass in duplex welding.
The joint angle should also be slightly wider to ensure good penetration. Duplex grades and welding processes Typical chemistry and Pitting Resistance Equivalent PREN of common austenitic lean duplex and standard 2225 Cr duplex stainless steel. Althoughduplex stainless steels are in many cases superior in corrosion resistance and strength compared to 304 and 316 austentic stainless steels many fabricators continue to have difficulties creating welding procedures that yield repeatable weldments with optimum proper-ties. Duplex is unique in that nitrogen plays a major role in both the formation of austenite as well as the pitting resistance of the weldment as little as 005 in the lean duplexes and up to 040 in some of the super duplexes. When DSS is selected to. Because welding duplex stainless steel is not fool-proof it is important to perform quality checks.
These are free from the risk of sensitization and of intergranular corrosion due to carbide precipitation.
Althoughduplex stainless steels are in many cases superior in corrosion resistance and strength compared to 304 and 316 austentic stainless steels many fabricators continue to have difficulties creating welding procedures that yield repeatable weldments with optimum proper-ties. The joint angle should also be slightly wider to ensure good penetration. This paper offers practical weld-ing guidelines to new fabricators who want to archieve high quality robust stainless. Neessen Lincoln Smitweld bv PB 253 6500 AG Nijmegen The Netherlands Tel. Once your WPS is written to provide good corrosion toughness and ferrite the final production weld should also yield good. We normally suggest that when developing a weld procedure it is critical to test the corrosion resistance the impact toughness and the ferriteaustenite mix in the weld qualification.